Getting Started in cPanel

Last modified: February 2, 2024


The cPanel interface is the main page for the cPanel account user. You can use the cPanel interface to create and manage your domains, email accounts, website content, SQL databases, and many other web-based services.

Log in to cPanel

To get started, log in to your cPanel account. To access cPanel, enter your server’s IP address or your domain name and the 2083 port in your preferred browser. For example:

Browser URL example Description Access cPanel over an encrypted connection with your IP address. Access cPanel over an encrypted connection with your domain name.

To log in with your cPanel account, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter your cPanel username in the Username text box.
  2. Enter your password in the Password text box.
  3. Click Log in. The cPanel Tools interface will appear.

When you log in to cPanel for the first time, the interface will display the Onboarding Assistant feature. The Onboarding Assistant feature provides a starting point for using the cPanel interface.

Create a website

The cPanel interface contains many native tools to help you create a website for your domain. If you want to create a website but do not have any existing content to upload, you can create a website using one of cPanel’s features.

Feature Description
Sitejet Builder The Sitejet Builder interface is fully integrated with the Sitejet Website Builder (Content Management System) website. You can use the Sitejet Website Builder (CMS) to create and design a website for your domain. Then, you can publish it with your cPanel account.
WP Toolkit The WP Toolkit interface allows you to easily manage your account’s WordPress® installations.
Site Publisher This Site Publisher interface allows you to quickly create a simple website, even if you have never created a website before.

For additional information about the features listed above, read our Create a Website documentation.

You can use cPanel’s File Manager interface (cPanel » Home » Files » File Manager) to upload, edit, and delete your files on the server.

Create an email account

You can create, manage, and delete email accounts with cPanel’s Email Accounts interface (cPanel » Home » Email » Email Accounts).

What else can I do in the cPanel interface?

The cPanel interface contains a vast toolset to help you manage your web content. For more information about the cPanel interface, read our cPanel Tools interface documentation.

For answers to commonly asked questions, read our cPanel Common Questions documentation.


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