Leech Protection
Valid for versions 82 through the latest version
Last modified: May 29, 2024
The Leech Protection interface allows you to detect unusual levels of activity in password-restricted directories. After you set the maximum number of logins within a two-hour period, the system redirects or suspends users who exceed it. This is useful if, for example, someone posts a user’s login credentials on a public site.
Enable leech protection
To enable leech protection for a directory, perform the following steps:
- Click Settings, and then select one of the following locations in which to begin navigation:
- Web Root (public_html or www) — Begin navigation in the document root for the account’s primary domain.
- Document Root for — Select the domain that corresponds to the document root in which you wish to begin navigation.
- To configure the interface to always open your selection from Step 1, select the Always open this directory in the future checkbox.
- Click Save Changes.
- Navigate to the directory that you wish to protect.
- Click the appropriate folder icon () to navigate to a different folder.
- Click the desired folder’s name to select it. A new interface will appear.
- Enter the maximum number of logins that you wish to allow each user within a two-hour period.
- To redirect users who exceed the maximum number of logins within a two-hour period, enter a URL to which you wish to redirect them.
- To configure the system to send an email alert when Leech Protection activates, select the Send Email Alert To checkbox. Then, enter the email address to alert.
- To disable an account that exceeds the maximum number of logins, select the Disable Compromised Accounts checkbox.
- Click Enable.
Manage users
To add, edit, and delete users, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to a directory that you wish to protect with user-level protection.
- Click the appropriate folder icon () to navigate to a different folder.
- Click the desired folder’s name to select it. A new interface will appear.
- Click Manage Users to navigate to cPanel’s Directory Privacy interface for that folder (cPanel » Home » Security » Directory Privacy).
To manage users manually, edit the
file, where USERNAME
represents the account name.
Disable leech protection
To disable leech protection, perform the following steps:
- Navigate to the directory for which you wish to disable leech protection.
- Click the appropriate folder icon () to navigate to a different folder.
- Click the desired folder’s name to select it.
- Click Disable.
Posted in Control Panel